Thursday, June 30, 2011

Cut The Rope!

"CUT THE ROPE" is one of those addictive fun games.  But it's not available on Android... until now!  It's available on and it's FREE!

See, as an average user as I am, if things are not in the "MARKET", I don't usually know how to install it.  So, this might seem too easy for some of you, it might not be for the rest of us!  So, I've decided to drop down the steps of how you could install it on your HTC EVOs!

Oh just checked, it is in the Market now for $0.99!  But it's still FREE on  get it soon!!!

1.  On your phone's Internet browser (use the one comes with the phone), go to, you should see the following screen

2.  Click "Download"  (If it's not there, search for "Cut the Rope")
2.  Download should start for the cuttherope.apk  file.

 3.  After download has completed, you should see the following, select "Install"

4.  After the package has been installed, you are ready to roll... I mean Cut!

Enjoy!  Now, you might wonder, how I get all these screen shot on the EVO?  Stay tune!

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